India is Ripe: Why is Lakshya Siddhi so right for India? Partially serendipitous, some of India’s finest minds
in the areas of business, education, and finance developed the earliest concept of taking science lessons into rural
villages to reach the country’s underserved and most disenfranchised children. The children thrive under our model,
prompting growth in the breadth and depth of programs.
An Idea Taking Hold: India’s overpopulation and poverty are always cited as her greatest problems. But among India’s
underserved children, the next generation’s Srinivasa Ramanujan may be found. Lifting the underserved sections of
society through education is our best hope for a brighter future, not only in India but as an example to all the nations
of the world.
Science and Art: Science is important to teach us about the world around us and dispel myths. This is widely
acknowledged. Art, however, is considered unimportant—even a waste of one’s time. But without expensive cameras on
microscopes or telescopes, the ability to draw what one sees becomes vitally important. By looking closely to accurately
draw, a child learns to truly see.